16 years in Authority
16 years in Authority
Sağlık-Sen is 29 Years Old
Sağlık-Sen is 29 Years Old
Memur-Sen Delegation Attended the International Conference Organized by ILO in Geneva
Memur-Sen Delegation Attended the International Conference Organized by ILO in Geneva
“Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Nursing Profession” was held.
“Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Nursing Profession” was held.
We Call on Physicians and Health Workers Around the World to Take a Common Stand
We Call on Physicians and Health Workers Around the World to Take a Common Stand
Mahmut Faruk DOĞAN
“Üniversite Hastanelerinde Çalışanlara Yer Değişikliği Hakkı Verilmesi Konusunda Görüşmelerimizi Sürdürüyoruz”
Sağlık-Sen Tokat Şubesi tarafından düzenlenen İl Divan Toplantısı, Genel Başkan Mahmut Faruk Doğan ve Genel Başkan Yardımcısı İdris Baykan’ın katılımıyla…